Friday, June 1, 2012

Traveling Mercies

Tomorrow is the day. Tomorrow Kalyn and I will travel into the unknown. We will wake up in the morning, say goodbye to our families, and board a plane to Africa. Two eighteen year old girls who are taking on the challenge of the world. Some call us stupid, some call us brave, but really we are just following the commandment of God. We have decided that we don't just want to be the dishes in the cabinet, we want to be the dishes that are used.

God, please be with Kalyn and I on this exciting adventure that we are going on for you. Please give us traveling mercies. Even though we know you will have your hands on us, it can still be a little bit nerve racking to travel all the way to Africa without any adults. Please help Kalyn and I to feel you guiding us through the airports and on the plane. Please wrap your arms around us and  keep us safe.  
<3 Your daughter.


  1. Praying for your safe trip and for God to use you in a special way for His people :) Love what you are doing!!

  2. So excited to see this adventure for Him unfold. Will be praying for you guys! Looking forward to updates!-The Gerlings

  3. Eloquently stated Dani. Safe travels. Praying for you! Melissa

  4. We'll be praying for you! Katie
